Skeleton Keys Is Named A Top Forensics Blog
/We were thrilled to find out yesterday that Skeleton Keys was named by ITSGOV as one of the top forensics blogs on the Web. ITSGOV is a comprehensive crime scene investigation resource, and they have compiled a list of the top blogs that cover forensic science in its many forms. From the point of view of anyone who writes mystery or crime fiction, it’s a terrific resource on multiple levels.
We were thrilled to be included in such an impressive list of coroners, criminal profilers, lawyers, and bioarcheologists as well as forensic scientists, pathologists, psychiatrists, artists and anthropologists. Their list of top forensic science blogs can be found here, where they describe Skeleton Keys as ‘the blog of Jen J. Danna, a Canadian forensic crime fiction author, who shares some remarkable insights in her musings.’
On behalf of myself and Ann, the partner behind the writer here on the blog as well as in our fiction writing, thank you to ITSGOV for including us!