It’s Release Week!
/Two partners. Six years of writing. Five practice novels. Six beta readers. Four kick-ass critique team members. One hundred and forty-six queries. One agent (query #136, so persistence pays off!). One editor. Eighteen gazillion edits.
It’s finally here—DEAD, WITHOUT A STONE TO TELL IT releases this week in hardcover! The date is officially June 5th, but Amazon started sending out last week and I'm already hearing from readers who read it and loved it.
It feels like it’s been a very long time coming but it was all time well spent. From querying, to edits with Nic, to edits with Gordon, to copy edits, to the cover art, it’s all been a process of constant forward motion. And in our opinion, it’s been worth the wait to do it right. When the final hardback copies arrived on my doorstep last week, I knew for sure we’d done it right.
So the Abbott and Lowell Forensic Mysteries officially begin. What’s next in the series? We’ve just finished a novella to be published in the fall of 2013—NO ONE SEES ME ‘TIL I FALL. And then the second full length novel—A FLAME IN THE WIND OF DEATH—releases in May of 2014. In the meantime, Ann and I plan to draft the third novel in the series over the summer and deliver it to our editor in the fall. So there’s a lot more of Matt, Leigh and the team to come…
Where can you get the novel, you ask? Well, I just happen to have some handy-dandy links right here. *wink*
Not sure if the novel is right for you and want to give it a spin before you buy? The first three chapters are available to preview here.
From both Ann and I, thanks to all who have helped us on this journey. And it’s just the beginning. Hang on, it’s going to be a fun ride!